Making Sense

out of the Utlestat Report

This document is a collection of information I have pieced together from many different sources. I have reviewed all of it and I believe that the information in it can be extremely useful to everyone who wants to use utlestat/utlbstat utility and report.

The library cache

The first section of the report contains statistics generated from the V$LIBRARYCACHE view and deals with the performance of the library cache. The library cache contains the Shared SQL and PL/SQL areas, which are represented by the BODY, SQL AREA, TABLE/PROCEDURE, and TRIGGER. They contain all of the SQL and PL/SQL statements that are cached in memory. The other names--CLUSTER, INDEX, OBJECT, and PIPE--are areas that Oracle uses. The first section of the report is shown in Figure A. The column definitions are shown beneath the report.

Figure A: The first section of the report deals with the performance of the Library Cache.

BODY 3180 .999 3183 .992 25 0
CLUSTER 0 1 0 1 0 0
INDEX 146 .007 218 .335 0 0
OBJECT 0 1 0 1 0 0
PIPE 0 1 0 1 0 0
SQL AREA 287513 .955 2353969 .985 5387 539
TABLE/PROCED 203065 .992 1606163 .996 4998 0
TRIGGER 4632 .996 4631 .987 39 0


Library The name of the library namespace
Gets The number of times the system requested a handle to an object in this namespace
Gethitratio The number of gethits divided by the number of gets. The gethits are the number of times a request was made for an object when the object was already in the cache. This ratio should be as close to 1 as possible.
Pins The number of times an item in the cache was executed. A high number is optimal.
Pinhitratio The number of pinhits divided by the number of pins. Pinhits are the number of times that objects the system is pinning are already in the cache. This ratio should be as close to 1 as possible.
Reloads The number of library cache misses on an execution step. The ratio of reloads divided by the number of pins should be 0 percent. If it's greater than 1 percent, you should increase the size of the shared pool.
Invalidations The number of times nonexistent library objects have been invalidated


Database statistics

This section of the report contains all the systemwide statistics. We'll try to cover as many of these statistics as possible. However, some statistics shown in Table C won't appear on your report, and you may have statistics we don't list. This variance is partly the result of having different parameters set in the init.ora. Adding the consistent gets and db block gets yields the number of logical reads. You can use the following equation to calculate the Data Cache Hit Ratio:

Hit Ratio = (Logical Reads - Physical Reads) 
/ Logical Reads

Table C: These are the report's systemwide statistics.

Report Item Description
background check- The number of checkpoints that were completed during the time period of the report points comp
background check- The number of checkpoints that were started during the time period of the report. This points star number may differ from the number of checkpoints completed if a checkpoint completed after the report was started or if a checkpoint was started but did not complete before the reporting period ended.
consistent gets The number of blocks accessed in the buffer cache for queries without the select for update clause. The value for this statistic plus the value of the db block gets statistic constitute a logical read.
db block gets The number of blocks in the buffer cache that were accessed for insert, update, delete, and select for update statements
dirty buffers The number of dirty (modified) data buffers that were aged out on the LRU list. A value points star here indicates that the DBWR is not keeping up. You may benefit by adding more DBWRs.
enqueue timeouts The number of times an enqueue lock was requested but wasn't available. If this statistic is higher than 0, increasing the Enqueue_Resource parameter in the init.ora can improve performance.
free buffers inspected The number of buffers skipped in the buffer cache to find a free buffer. Dividing this statistic by the free buffer scans statistic provides an indication of whether your data cache is too small. A high percentage is an indication of too many modified blocks in the data cache.
parse count The number of times an SQL statement was parsed
physical reads The number of data blocks that were read from disks to satisfy a select, select for update, insert, update, or delete statement
recursive calls The number of recursive calls to the database. This type of call occurs for a couple of reasons, such as misses in the dictionary cache, dynamic storage extension, and the execution of PL/SQL statements. Generally, if the number of recursive calls is more than four per process, you should check the Dictionary Cache Hit Ratio to determine whether there are tables or indexes with a large number of extents. Unless there is significant use of PL/SQL, the ratio of recursive calls to user calls should be 10% or less.
redo buffer The number of attempts to allocate space in the redo buffer. A value other than 0 indicates allocation retries that the redo writer is falling behind, which could be caused by log switches or checkpoints. By adjusting the Log_CheckPoint_Interval and Log_CheckPoint_Timeout parameters in the init.ora, you can minimize the number of checkpoints.
oredo entries The number of entries in the redo log buffer
redo log space The number of times a user process waited for a space in the redo log buffer. This requests statistic should be as close to 0 as possible. Increasing the size of the Log_Buffer parameter in the init.ora will help reduce this number.
redo size The size in bytes of the redo information that was written to the redo logs. You can use this information to help size the redo logs and the Log_Small_Entry_Max_Size parameter in the init.ora.
redo small copies The number of redo entries that were copied to the redo buffer using the redo allocation latch. Dividing this number by the number of redo entries yields the percentage of entries that used the allocation latch. This ratio should be less than 10%. If it's above 10%, try decreasing the size of the Log_Small_Entry_Max_Size parameter in the init.ora.
sorts (disk) The number of sorts that couldn't be performed in memory thereby requiring the creation of a temp segment in the temporary tablespace. This number divided by the sorts (in memory) shouldn't be above 5%. If it is, you should increase the Sort_Area_Size parameter in the init.ora if your operating system memory conditions allow it.
sorts (memory) The number of sorts that were performed in memory
sorts (rows) The total number of rows that were sorted
summed dirty The sum of the buffers left in the write queue after every write request. Dividing this queue length parameter by the write requests statistic yields the average number of buffers left in the queue after the write. You can use this information to help size the _db_block_write_batch parameter.
table fetch by rowid Indicates the number of rows that were accessed by using a rowid. This rowid came from either an index or a where rowid = statement.
table fetch The number of rows fetched that were chained or migrated continued row
table scans The total number of full table scans on tables that have more than five data blocks. If the (long tables) nuSQL statements to increase the use of indexes.mber of tables scans per transaction is above 0, you could review the application SQL statements to increase the use of indexes.
table scans The number of full table scans on tables with less than five data blocks. Full table scans (short tables) on tables are preferred. Oracle can read the table with one I/O, whereas the use of anindex would require one I/O to read the index and one to read the table.
user calls The number of times a call was made to the Oracle kernel. To calculate the number of calls to the kernel per parse, divide this statistic by the "parse count" statistic.

This hit ratio should be above 90 percent; if it's less than 90 percent, you should increase the size of the data cache by increasing the db_block_buffers parameter in the init.ora.


Systemwide wait events

You can view the events shown in Table D by querying the V$SYSTEM_EVENT view. Alternatively, you can query the V$SESSION_EVENT view to see events as they occur.

Table D: These are the report's systemwide events.

Report Item Description
Count The number of times the event occurred
Total Time The total amount of time in hundredths of a second that processes had to wait on the event
Average Time The average time per event in hundredths of a second. Count / Total Time.

Some of the events you'll normally find in this section are the smon timer, pmon timer, client message, and rdbms ipc message. A few that you would hope not to find are free buffer waits, buffer busy waits, and enqueue. The free buffer waits event indicates either that the DBWR(s) could not keep up or that you need to adjust how often checkpoints occur.

The buffer busy waits event indicates contention for a buffer in the SGA. You can obtain more information about this event by querying the V$SESSION_WAIT view. This view contains the P1 and P2 columns. When the event is a buffer busy waits, the P1 column will indicate the file ID of a segment and the P2 column will indicate the block ID causing the contention. You can use these two IDs to query the DBA_EXTENTS view and obtain the name of the segment causing the contention. If the segment is a table or index, you may want to increase the initrans parameter to allow more transactions per data block. Please note, however, that this also increases the amount of storage space needed for the table.

Another way to use the buffer busy waits event is to calculate the ratio of buffer busy waits to the number of logical reads. If the busy ratio is greater than 5 percent, you should examine the V$WAITSTAT view to see what types of blocks are causing the contention. The formula for the ratio is

((buffer busy waits / logical reads) * 100) = busy rate

An enqueue event in this section of the report can be an indication of a couple of things. There may be too many DDL locks or DML locks, or there could be an excessive use of sequences.

Three of the dynamic performance views ("V$" views) can provide details of Oracle wait events:

  • V$SYSTEM_EVENT summarises the number, types and elapsed times spent waiting on various events by all sessions since the database was started.
  • V$SESSION_WAIT shows the waits which sessions are currently waiting on. It also includes extra details about the wait - the specific location or address of the wait.
  • V$SESSION_EVENT summarises number, types and elapsed wait times on a per process basis. This allows you to examine the waits for an individual session.

Although V$SESSION_EVENT allows you to "drill-down" on individual process waits, and V$SESSION_WAIT allows you to examine the detailed location of each wait, it is the V$SYSTEM_EVENT table which I find most useful when diagnosing the overall tune of an Oracle instance. V$SYSTEM_EVENT has the following structure:

Column Description
Event Name of the event
Total_waits Total number of times this event has been waited for since the instance was started.
Total_timeouts Number of times the wait for the event was terminated by a timeout
Time_waited Total time, in 1/100ths of a second, spend waiting for this event by all sessions since the instance started
Average_wait Average time spent waiting on this event in 1/100ths of a second

On most operating systems, you'll need to set the server parameter TIMED_STATISTICS=TRUE in order to record the elapsed timings for event waits.

A quick tour of selected events

Oracle defines a large number of events, many of which are rarely encounted or trivial in nature. What follows is a review of the events that I have most frequently encountered when tuning Oracle instances.

"db file" waits

Events starting with the phrase "db file" (db file parallel write, db file scattered read, db file sequential read, db file single write) all occur when an ORACLE session issues an I/O request against an ORACLE datafile.

Database file writes are performed only by the database writer, and so "db file" write waits are never experienced by user sessions. User sessions do, however, read data from database files directly and will almost always wait for datafile read events.

Unless your entire database is entirely cached in the SGA, waiting for database file I/O is inevitable and the presence of "db file" waits does not indicate that anything is amiss with the performance of the database. In most healthy databases, "db file" waits account for about 80-90% of all non-idle wait times.

The average wait times for db file events is an indication of the speed and efficiency of your disk IO subsystem. High speed disks should allow for average waits of between 1-2 hundredths of a second. Higher values may indicate a need to review your disk configuration.

log file sync/write waits

Just as ORACLE sessions must inevitably wait for db file I/O, they must also wait for log file I/O. Such waits will occur whenever a COMMIT statement causes a write to the redo log. The session issuing the COMMIT will wait on the log file sync event. When the LogWriter process issues the I/O request, it will wait on the log file parallel write event.

Both these wait events are inevitable and often account for between 10-20% of total non-idle wait times in a healthy database.

The average wait time for a log file parallel write is an important measure. It indicates how quickly the log writer process can flush the redo buffer and is a good indicator of the efficiency of the redo log device. Values under 1 (hundredths of a second) are good, and values of up to 5 hundredths of a second are not unusual. Values above this range may indicate contention for the redo log device.

log file space/switch

These events occur when a redo log entry cannot be made because there is no free space in the redo log buffer or when a redo log cannot be written to because it is in the process of being switched. The incidence of these events should be negligible in a well tuned database. Prior to Oracle 7.3 these the two conditions are combined in the event "log file space/switch". From 7.3 onwards, they are defined by the following events:

  • log buffer space: Waiting for free space in the redo log buffer. You can reduce this wait by increasing the size of the log buffer (LOG_BUFFER parameter) or by optimising the performance of the logwriter.
  • log file switch (checkpoint incomplete): The next redo log cannot be used because a checkpoint which commenced when the log was last switched has not completed.
  • log file switch (archiving needed): A redo log cannot be used because an archive operation which commenced when it was last switched has not completed.

These waits suggest that either your redo logs are on slow devices, your log_buffer setting is too low, or you have too few or too small redo logs. If getting "log file switch (archiving needed)", consider alternating your redo logs across multiple devices to reduce contention between the LogWriter and Archiver processes.

Buffer busy waits

This event occurs when a session cannot access a needed block in the SGA because it is in use by another session. The two most common causes are insufficient free lists for a table or too few rollback segments.

You can distinguish between the two causes by considering the V$WAITSTAT table. If the predominant waits are for "data block" or "free list", then it is likely that you need to create multiple FREELISTS (using the FREELIST clause of the CREATE TABLE statement) for tables which are subject to very heavy concurrent inserts. If the leading category is for either "undo header" or "undo block" then you may need to create additional rollback segments.

Free buffer waits/write complete waits

Both these events occur when a session tries to modify or insert a block in the SGA but is unable to.

"Write complete waits" occur when a session tries to modify a block which is currently being written to disk by the database writer process. This will of course happen occasionally - especially during checkpoints - but if it is contributing significantly to overall waits then it may indicate inefficiencies in the database writer.

Free buffer waits occur when a session wishes to read a data block from a database file on disk into the buffer cache. If there are no unmodified ("clean") blocks in the buffer cache then the session will have to wait for the Database Writer process to write modified ("dirty") blocks to disk in order for free buffers to be made available. Normally, the database writer is constantly writing dirty buffers to disk and so this event should rarely occur.

If either of these events comprise a significant proportion of total waits, then you may need to improve the performance of the Database Writer process (DBWR). Some of the ways of doing this are:

  • Use asynchronous I/O or multiple database writers (DB_WRITERS parameter). Asynchronous I/O is enabled by default under NT. In UNIX you need to set ASYNC_IO=TRUE in your server parameter file and possibly enable asynchronous I/O at the operating system level. Use asynchonous or list I/O in preference to multiple database writers if it is available.
  • Stripe your datafiles across multiple disk devices. The number of devices across which the datafiles are housed and the evenness of the spread determines the ultimate I/O limit of your system. Use operating system striping if possible (RAID-0) but if this is not available alternate datafiles across multiple disk devices.
  • Avoid RAID-5. RAID-5 can be attractive because it spreads I/O across multiple devices and enables fault tolerance more economically than mirroring (RAID-1). However, RAID-5 can more than halve the write capability of your disks, since each local write will require at least two physical writes (additional I/Os are required to read and write the parity block). Many RAID-5 vendors provide large non-volatile disk caches in an attempt to avoid this write penalty. Free buffer or write complete waits may be a sign that these efforts are unsuccessful.
  • Consider raw devices/partitions. The use of raw devices (unformatted disk devices without an overlying fileystem) is somewhat controversial and may not suit all applications. However, the database writer process will usually benefit from raw devices.

enqueue waits

Enqueue waits occur when a session waits to obtain a lock. In most cases, this will occur because of a lock on a table or row that the session wishes to lock or modify. In some circumstances, the lock involved may be an ORACLE internal lock (for instance, the Space Transaction enqueue). If the database is well tuned and the application design sound, then enqueue waits should be negligible. Common causes of excessive enqueue waits are:

  • Contention for a specific row in the database. The application design may require that many processes update or lock the same row in the database. Once common example of this phenomenon is when primary keys are generated using a sequence table.
  • Table locks caused by unindexed foreign keys. If an un-indexed foreign key is updated then the parent table will be subjected to a table lock until the transaction is complete.
  • "Old-style" temporary tablespaces. If the tablespace nominated as the temporary tablespace has not been created with the TEMPORARY clause (introduced in ORACLE 7.3) , then sessions may contend for the "space transaction" lock.
  • The space reserved for transactions within a data block is too small. By default, only one transaction slot for tables or two for indexes is allocated when the table or index is created. The number of transaction slots is determined by the INITRANS clause in the CREATE TABLE or INDEX statement. If additional transaction slots are required they are created - providing there is free space in the block. However, if all transaction slots are in use and there is no free space in the block then a session wishing to lock a row in the block will encounter an enqueue wait, even if the row in question is not actually locked by another process. This phenomenon can occur if both PCTFREE and INITRANS were set too low.

latch free waits

Latches are ORACLE internal locking mechanisms that prevent multiple sessions from simultaneously updating the same item within ORACLE shared memory (SGA). If a session needs to acquire a latch which is held by another session then a latch free wait may occur.

The presence of latch free waits of any significant magnitude may indicate a bottleneck within the SGA. A detailed discussion on latch tuning would take more space than we have available here. However, the following guidelines may might a useful starting point:

  • Use the V$LATCH table to determine which latches are contributing to the majority of SLEEPs. Each sleep translates to a latch free wait.
  • Contention for the cache buffer lru chain and cache buffer chain latches can occur if a database sustains very high physical or logical I/O rates. Reduce I/O rates by tuning SQL or increasing the size of the buffer cache. Increasing the values of DB_BLOCK_LRU_LATCHES or _DB_BLOCK_HASH_BUCKETS may help.
  • Contention for the library cache and library cache pin latches can occur when there is heavy parsing or SQL execution rates. Misses on the library cache latch is usually a sign of excessive reparsing of non-sharable SQL. Try using bind variables in preference to literal values in your SQL.
  • Contention for the redo allocation latch can be reduced by lowering LOG_ENTRY_MAX_SIZE. Contention for the redo copy latch can be treated by increasing LOG_SIMULTANEOUS_COPIES.
  • If you encounter latch contention and have spare CPU capacity, consider increasing the value of SPIN_COUNT. If CPU resources are at full capacity, consider decreasing the value of SPIN_COUNT.

SQL*Net waits

The Oracle server will often record that it is waiting for a SQL*NET operation to complete. These waits all begin with "SQL*NET". Unfortunately, it is difficult to isolate the waits that are the result of network overhead from those which signify that the client process is busy performing other tasks. In particular, the event "SQL*Net message from client" will be observed when the server process is idle and is waiting for further instructions from the client process. Therefore you should usually ignore this event. If other SQL*NET waits contribute significantly to overall waits you should investigate your network overhead but remember that the waits can be occuring because of bottlenecks in the client program or - in the case of "db link" waits - in a remote server.

Events which are safe to ignore

There are some events that occur when a session is idle or waiting for instructions and which are not significant from a performance point of view. Some of the events which are usually safe to ignore (and which are disregarded by the wait_stA.sql script) are:

  • Null event
  • SQL*NET message from client
  • SQL*NET more data from client
  • Parallel query dequeue wait
  • client message
  • smon timer
  • rdbms ipc message
  • pmon timer
  • WMON goes to sleep
  • virtual circuit status
  • dispatcher timer
  • pipe get

Other events

The events I've described above have been those that I've encountered most frequently when assessing the performance of Oracle instances. However, there are 136 events defined in Oracle 8.0.3, and not all of them can be described here.

Prior to Oracle 8, Oralce events were virtually undocumented. However, in Oracle 8, you can find brief descriptions of each of the events in Appendix A of the Oracle 8 Server Reference.


Dirty buffer write queue

You can generate the dirty buffer write queue statistic by dividing the summed dirty queue length statistic by the write requests statistic. If the value obtained is higher than the value of the _db_block_write_batch parameter, then you should increase the value of the _db_block_ write_batch parameter. You won't be able to find this parameter in the V$PARAMETER view, nor can you view it using the SQLDBA show parameter or the SVRMGR initialization screen. You'll need to query the X$KSPPI table and select the KSPPINM and KSPPIVL columns. Increasing this parameter increases the number of database blocks that can be written to simultaneously.

A possible reason for this statistic being high is having one or two extremely active data files. When you have more modified blocks than can be written at once, you require multiple I/Os, which causes blocks to wait in the queue before being written. Increasing the number of blocks that can be written simultaneously decreases the number of blocks that must wait in the queue. You can also decrease this statistic by increasing the db_block_ simultaneous_writes parameter in the init.ora.


Data file I/O

This section provides a very granular look at how the I/O is distributed across the data files. If one of the data files gets a majority of the reads and writes, you may be able to improve performance by creating multiple data files on separate disks or by stripping the data file across multiple disks. Table E, lists the events in this section.

Table E: These are the events in the data file I/O.

Event Description
Table_Space The name of the tablespace that owns the data file
File_Name The name of the data file
Phys_Reads The number of physical reads that were performed on the data file to retrieve data
Phys_Blks_Rd The number of blocks that were read from the data file to satisfy all of the reads
Phys_Rd_Time The total amount of time in hundredths of a second it took to read all of the blocks from the data file. (If this value is 0, it's because the timed_statistics parameter in the init.ora is either set to false or not set; the default is false.)
Phys_Writes The number of writes to the data file
Phys_Blks_Wr The number of blocks written
Phys_Wrt_Tim The total amount of time in hundredths of a second it took to write all of the blocks to the data file. (If this value is 0, it's because the timed_statistics parameter in the init.ora is either set to false or not set; the default is false.)


Tablespace I/O

This part of the report sums the I/O by tablespace. You can set two parameters in the init.ora to improve the read and write time: db_file_multiblock_read_count and db_file_simultaneous_writes.

The db_file_multiblock_read_count parameter controls the number of blocks that can be read in one I/O during a full table scan. Increasing this parameter will reduce the number of I/Os needed to scan a table, thus improving the performance of the full table scan. The db_file_simultaneous_ writes parameter controls the number of data blocks in a data file that can be written to simultaneously. Increasing this parameter helps reduce the number of I/Os required to write the data blocks back to the disk after modification. Table F lists the events in this section.

Table F: These are the events in the tablespace I/O section of the report.

Event Description
Table_Space The name of the tablespace
Phys_Reads The number of physical reads that were performed on the data file to retrieve data
Phys_Blks_Rd The number of blocks that were read from the data file to satisfy all of the reads
Phys_Rd_Time The total amount of time in hundredths of a second it took to read all of the blocks from the data file. (If this value is 0, it's because the timed_statistics parameter in the init.ora is either set to false or not set; the default is false.)
Phys_Writes The number of writes to the data file
Phys_Blks_Wr The number of blocks written
Phys_Wrt_Tim The total amount of time in hundredths of a second it took to write all of the blocks to the data file. (If this value is 0, it's because the timed_statistics parameter in the init.ora is either set to false or not set; the default is false.)

If the number of physical block reads is significantly higher than the number of physical reads, it indicates that you may need to review the indexes on these tables or that full table scans are being performed on the tables within the tablespace. In general, if the number of block reads is equal to the number of reads, then the tables in the tablespace were probably being accessed by a rowid, requiring the database to read only one data block.


Latches willing to wait

Processes that are trying to acquire latches are willing to sleep if the latch is unavailable. By querying the V$LATCH view, you can see how many processes had to sleep and the number of times they had to sleep. You need to remember one thing about processes that are sleeping: These processes may also be holding other latches that won't be released until the process is finished with them. This situation will cause even more processes to sleep while waiting for those latches. So, you can see how important it is to reduce contention as much as possible. Table G lists the events in this section.

Table G: The events in this section show the latches that are willing to wait.

Event Description
Latch_Name The name of the latch
Gets The number of times a latch was requested and was available
Misses The number of times a latch was initially requested but was not available
Hit_Ratio The ratio of gets to misses. (Gets - Misses) / Gets. This ratio should be as close to 1 as possible.
Sleeps The number of processes that waited and then requested the latch again. The number of sleeps may be higher than the number of misses. Processes may sleep multiple times before obtaining the latch.
Sleeps/Misses The ratio of sleeps to misses. Sleeps/Misses. A value higher than 1 indicates that there were processes that had to sleep more than once before acquiring the latch.

You should examine any of the latches that have a hit ratio below .99. Some of the more common latches on this list are the redo allocation, redo copy, library cache, and cache buffers lru.

You can reduce contention for the redo allocation latch by decreasing the size of the Log_Small_Entry_Max_Size parameter. This parameter controls the maximum size of a redo entry that you can copy to the redo log using the redo allocation latch.

The Log_Simultaneous_Copies parameter determines the number of redo copy latches. Increasing this parameter helps reduce contention for these latches.

Contention for the library cache latch usually occurs when space is needed in the library cache. While space is being freed up in order to load a SQL or PL/SQL statement, the latch is being held exclusively, and other users must wait. You can help reduce contention for this latch by increasing the size of the shared pool or by pinning large SQL and PL/SQL statements in memory using the DBMS_Shared_ Pool_Keep procedure. You can reduce contention for the cache buffers lru latch by increasing the _db_block_write_batch parameter.

A couple of init.ora parameters can be set to help decrease the number of latches that sleep while trying to obtain a latch. You can set the spin_count and _latch_spin_count parameters to increase the amount of time a process will spend in the CPU trying to acquire the latch before it sleeps.

Please note: You shouldn't increase these two parameters if your application is already bound by the CPU. In this case, you may want to decrease these parameters to enable processes to sleep faster, which would help free up some of the CPU for other processes.


Latches not willing to wait

The latches in this section of the report don't wait for the latch to become available; they immediately time out and retry to obtain the latch. You can generate these statistics using the immediate_gets and the immediate_misses columns of the V$LATCH view. See the previous section for some hints on reducing contention for these latches. Table H lists the events in this section.

Table H: The events in this section show the latches that are unwilling to wait.

Event Description
Latch_Name The name of the latch
NoWait_Gets The number of times an immediate request for a latch was made and it was available
NoWait_Misses The number of times an immediate request for a latch was unsuccessful
NoWait_Ratio The ratio of nowait_misses to nowait_gets. (NoWait_Gets - NoWait_Misses) / NoWait_Gets. This ratio should be as close to 1 as possible.


Rollback segments

You can generate the statistics in this section of the report by using the V$ROLLSTAT view. Table I lists the events in this section. The optimal size of the rollbacks should be a value that will help keep the number of shrinks down but won't waste disk space.

Table I: The events in this section pertain to the rollback segment.

Event Description
Undo_Segment Rollback segment number
Trans_Tbl_Gets The number of requests for a segment header in the rollback segment
Trans_Tbl_Waits The number of requests that had to wait
Undo_Bytes_ The total number of bytes written to this Written rollback segment
Segment_Size_ The current size of the rollback segment Bytes
Xacts The current number of active transactions in the rollback segment
Shrinks The number of time the rollback segment eliminated one or more extents because it was larger than the optimal size
Wraps The number of times the rollback segment wrapped from one extent to another

The ratio of Trans_Tbl_Waits to Trans_ Tbl_Gets should be less then 5 percent. If it's above 5 percent, you should increase the number of rollback segments. ((Trans_Tbl_Waits/ Trans_Tbl_Gets) * 100).


Nondefault database parameters

These parameters in the init.ora are set to a value other than the default. You can generate the list by querying the V$PARAMETER view where the ISDEFAULT column is equal to FALSE. You can use this list as a reference for tuning the database, because these parameters provide a record of how the database performed with certain values.

The dictionary cache

This section of the report contains all of the data dictionary information. This data pertains to all of the objects in the database. Oracle accesses this information for every SQL that gets parsed and again when the statement is executed. The activity in this area can be very heavy. Maintaining a good hit ratio is very important to prevent recursive calls to the database to verify privileges. You can eval-uate the efficiency of the dictionary cache by querying the V$ROWCACHE view. Table J shows the header for this section in the utlbstat/utlestat report. You have a couple of ways to calculate the hit ratio for the dictionary cache. First, you can calculate the hit ratio for the individual cache areas. Second, you can calculate the hit ratio for the entire dictionary cache. You can use the queries in Figure B to calculate the hit ratio both ways.

Table J: These are the events in the dictionary cache section of the report.

Name Description
Get_Reqs Total number of requests for an object
Get_Miss The total number of times an object was requested and it was not in the cache
Scan_Req The total number of times the cache was scanned for an object
Scan_miss The total number of times the cache was scanned for an object and it was not found
Mod_Reqs The total number of inserts, updates, and deletes to the cache area
Count The total number of entries in the cache area
Cur_Usag The total number of cache entries that contain valid data

Figure B: This query retrieves the details tuning statistics from the V$SYSSTAT view.

Select  Parameter, Count, Usage, Fixed,  Modifications, 
        Flushes, Gets, GetMisses,
        ((1 - (GetMisses / (Gets + GetMisses))) * 	
        100) HitRat,
        Decode(Round(((1 - (GetMisses / (Gets + 	
        GetMisses)))), 1), 1, ' ', .9, ' ', '*')  Flag_1
From 	 V$RowCache
Where 	 Gets + GetMisses != 0
Select  Sum(Decode(Name, 'physical reads', Value, 
           0)) Phy_Gets,
           Sum(Decode(Name, 'db block gets',  Value, 0)) 
           Sum(Decode(Name, 'consistent gets',  Value, 0)) 
           ((1 - (Sum(Decode(Name, 'physical 	reads', 
           Value, 0)) /
              (Sum(Decode(Name, 'db block gets', 	
              Value, 0)) +
              Sum(Decode(Name, 'consistent 	
              gets', Value, 0))))) * 100) Hit_Rate
From 	V$SySStat;
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